Sunday, September 21, 2008

dreams; signs of corruption and fantasy

As usual, I was sleeping on the job as a mattress tester last night. Usually I would do my routine back stretching and pillow adjusting to my likings, but all was set, it's time to get to work. As I laid my head down, my mind raced to get everything prepared for tonight's movie viewing. The thoughts didn't know what was showing tonight, maybe a double feature who knows? Grab the popcorn, the first one is about to start.

(Okay, so the title isn't the best title, I'm doing my best)

So, here I am, starring in my own movie in the car out in some town, with Arthur's family? Why am I human and everyone else looks like aardvarks? Oh well. So, we go into what we believe is a Denny's. The set up looks different, why does it remind me of T.G.I. FRIDAY'S, but with more light? Our host sits us down. He has this short crew cut hair and he isn't the tallest guy in the room. He gives us our menus and waits there for us to make up our minds. Huh..That's a little strange. Our waitress is right next to him too. She has this reddish hair in a messy ponytail; she fixes her glasses. The menu doesn't seem Denny's at all. They have their food sorted by the type of meat, the prices are outrageous, and you know what: Majority of it all is all breakfast. Squirrel meat, lamb(BAA) meat, beef, deer, you name it. The pictures don't look very appetizing at all

I flip through the whole dang menu to find something I like at an affordable price. I saw something I could want. It was a whole mess of french friends glopped together to make a doughnut sprinkled with powdered sugar. The price: $31.99. HELL NO. I glance to the other side of the page and find something worth trying. Something about a "Bubba" sandwich with fries and "Bubba: spread. Everyone has ordered already and the waitress walks away without taking my order. About five minutes later she comes back to take my order and I asked her what "Bubba" was. Was it a fish? It looked kind of like fish texture and I was really curious. She walks away for anther five minutes and comes back and shakes her head. I assumed that she didn't know what It was or either that the restaurant didn't have any more of the "Bubba" left. So my Arthur mom scolds me for not picking a food and I tell her that this restaurant is out of it's mind for not giving me any straight answers or waiting for my order. I storm out of the restaurant and go and sit in our pink car with the baby, Kate, they (I guess) left in the car. About ten-fifteen minutes later I hear this knocking the the car window with a piece of binder paper saying, "dad is SORRY, mom is SORRY, and arthur is SORRY" then this little blurb I couldn't read at the bottom. Dad opens the car and says they're sorry like in the show and we drive off.

This is when everything changes, my parents are now back to normal and the scene jumps to our house after we visit this like bookstore and run into the Jonas Brothers. I don't quite remember that part.

So, we're at home. The place where magic happens. We hear the doorbell and I'm sitting on the couch waiting to see who comes into our palace. The Jonas Brothers?! WHAT?! I'm completely surprised but not in a fan way. It's like we've been friends forever and we hardly get to see them. We exchange hugs and whatsoever and have a chat on the couch, sorta. We're sitting in a row like ducks, Me, Nick, Joe, and Kevin and Mr. Jonas on the other couch adjacent to the couch. He talks about something I cannot recall and says something about Australia, like are any of you Australian? At this point Joe gets up and go to our living room or something, just away from the couch. I reply to Mr. Jonas," Eah(Yeah) Mate!" and I get up from the couch and pretend to walk away, but instead I go up to give him a low five and say," I'm just joking ya bloak, jajajajajaja." Kevin laughs and I walk towards to backyard, thinking that the brothers are outside. So I get one of my black rabbit vans, but I can't find the other. I leave that one shoe outside and walk to the backdoor entrance and run into, I guess my dream sister(since I don't have one in real life). She said that Mr. Jonas went outside to get my other shoe. As soon as she said that, Mr. Jonas pops out of nowhere with both of my shoes.

I don't remember what happens next but on many accounts, Nick is always staring at me when I'm doing something and I always turn to him and give him my cheesiest smile and he laughs at me. We're the dorkiest sometimes. So I'm in the entry hall and I see Joe, sitting on the couch in the living room writing something. I don't want to bother him, but I am shy and sort of like him. A LOT. He stares at me and looks down. He sorta looked like this, but he was wearing a gray blazer with a white shirt under that:

Kevin disappeared somewhere. So I sit down at the step that leads down to the living room to look at my track spikes. There are more spikes than usual and the ones in the middle are all worn down. I pull out my tweezers, since the tool cannot wrap around the spike itself, and try to turn it out, it's working! I get about six out and when they come out, so do the little black tire turf pieces from the field come out of the hole. Nick watches me do this and I look at him and smile again, he laughs and I asked him why did they decide to come? He said they're visiting before the tour starts. I say Oh I see and continue my tedious task when Mr. Jonas announces that the family must go. I follow the family out and race to see them hop in the car. Joe's driving the car and he stares at me from the windshield. I stare at him and blow him a kiss. They drive off and as soon as they pull out and on the street Joe yells out of the car, "I'm gonna send you a lot of those mailgrams!" at the top of his lungs. I laugh because I know he means letters in the mail and attempt to walk back inside. I glance at their car and see that he keeps trying to back back into our drive way and finally drives off. I think about what I should have done. I should have chased their car down the street. I walk back inside and glance at the spot where Joe was sitting and see a pen. Next to the pen is a teen magazine, probably Popstar! or something. I notice a paper, obviously sticking out of it. I pull it out and try to read it. I'm thinking it's a letter that Joe was trying to write to me or lyrics that he purposely left there for me to read. I turn it over and look and find that I could be the letters that Delana and Eda were writing to me during class(Which isn't true because they site on the other side). So my dream kind of ended in a sort of confused heartbreak. I guess it's him I want in my mind, not Kevin.

That's the end of the dream. The other one kind of was like a nightmare and was basically like evil Spore or something. I hate thinking about it. The princess was captured. ;[

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