Saturday, February 14, 2009

valentines day;

I should be thankful for people who love each other.
Seeing pictures of people being together since January
kind of gets old and makes you think..What has this
holiday become?!
You hear girls bitching about how her boyfriend didn't
get her something or whatever. Or somethign stupid
like that. Or how teh boyfriend feels so guilty that he
doesn't have the budget to spent on the "woman he's gonna
marry, or the mother of his future 200 children"
I might sound like the cynic that hates
Valentines day, but I'm not. I'm perfectly happy
with all those people and my life.I dislike how
Valentine's Day became a hallmark
holiday about giving cards, roses, bears, and
any dorky thing.

Why can't people just say, "I love you. So do you wanna
go out and just sit outside and watch clouds with me?"
I'm not much of a person for movie dates and mushy junk like that.

I was gonna go out with a friend tonight.
My parents just ruined my plans with much more
drama that doesn't need to ruin the moments of love
of friends. I hate it....RUINING MY WEEKEND.
Deep frustration here. I want to go runaway to the hills.
I hope my friend reads this and understands why I'm totally bummed.
My friend's giving me this guilt trip. I'm gonna make it up. I promise.

Apart from the crappy holiday of "fake love",
I'm gonna walk to Target or Rite Aid and go buy something I totally
don't a jock strap or something totally not
"Arleen-esque".I need to get out.

I realize I'm not happy with my life anymore.
I need to be someone else for a day. Some kind of change.
I can't enjoy my life as I used to. There's too much drama
and things to think about. There are too many people to please
and make sure you're gonna feel accepted by them.
It's hard to be yourself when you're trying to impress people.
I hope my boyfriend appreciates me and gets the hint.

I can't have a normal life right now. Drama Llama.
I feel like crying because of what's going on in my life.
I dont' have a freedom.

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