Sunday, July 27, 2008

Grand Opening!

Grand Opening!
There's a special on Scrabble competitors and amateur spokesmodels for grass stains, bruises, and scars! Get them while they're fresh and warm. We deliver for free directly to your home.

So, guess who's going to be new to the blog'stain' community? That's right, moi. So sit tight for adventures and thoughts and junk that you can polish and clean up to make your very own treasure you can take to Antique Roadshow.

So first off, have you ever received a giftcard to a place you really really like, but never set foot into? Like Macy's or some store with designer, fashion-chic clothes. So I drag my friend on a fresh Saturday afternoon to a particular store with me to pick clothes and decide what I could use my "baby credit card" with. I look at the variety. It reminds me of the farmers' market a bit. So many clothes of color; a plethora, if you will, of styles; an array of accesories to mix and match. The choice is all mine. So here I am, a girl dressed ever so plainly, looking at the clothes with big wanting eyes. I grab hold of a cute sweater, I think is the cutest thing, but not as cute as a baby girl with a brown head of curls . DAMN, I hate the thoughts that go through my mind:

  1. How do I look? Do you really think you can pull this off? I mean, look at those girls at your school, arl. Those figures and busts really make the sweater look like ones on runway models. But that's MY opinion. Get it..if you reaaally wannntt to. (I hate it when your mind gives you such an attitude)
  2. Check the price tag. I mean sure you have a giftcard, but you don't wanna spend it ALL on one sweater. Be wise miss.

Those are the two main ones. Then comes the sunglasses. GRR. I tried on every style there. My mind is very picky and unsatisfied with absolutely everything. I did these things countless times throughout the store. My friend is so bored. As bored as a teenage, asian boy with pants, obviously too small for he, holding bags for his dear mother who is having a conversation with a run-in with a co-worker. So, after that half hour of browsing, we left..empty handed.

I thought that would be a long enough story that was good for a first blog on the blogspot.

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