Tuesday, June 2, 2009


im a real big, fan of yours
but im quite the joke to you
but girl it wasnt a joke when you kissed me in your room
and replied i love you too
im a little bit insecure from all of these mistreatments
but see im workin it out
but workin it out is so damn hard when your alone
-yourbiggestfan - nevershoutnever!

damn it. i wish it was just obvious and that you'd just tell me.
sometimes i wish men could see how hard it is to impress the
opposite sex. i mean, come on..a wise woman once said, "Gentleman
when you start to respect women, they'll respect themselves. That way
you both receive the respect you both need." Mrs. Handy said that. I never
knew how philosophical she was. I never took the time to get to know her
throughout my high school career. I guess the relationship I share with guys
weren't as respectable. It's hard to feel totally confident around men.
There is this one ...he's a special one..his ways are different.
I'm hoping he gives me the okay.

There's this other one..he's a sweetheart..I know what he wants
and I know what I want, but there's conflict..
He had second thoughts about our dating
and when those are sort of cleared up for him,
my thoughts get clouded and I have no i deawhat to do.
should ii wait for the guy i've known longer, but no signs?
or the guy i know who has the feelings,
but doesn't know if we should even have a relationship?.

okay, so i'm gonna leave my thoughts unanswered for now.
i hope everything in my mind gets sorted out.
speaking of sorting, i gotta do my laundry. i like loading it into the washing machine and stuff.
i just hate folding the damn clothes.